Kim Kardashyan about his psoriasis: "This is not treated, but I learned to live with it."


"After so many years I learned to live with it. This disease is not treated, there are products that should be avoided to prevent flashes of psoriasis are acidic products, tomatoes and eggplants. Different people with psoriasis have different symptoms. Someone has itching, someone else has something. The outbreaks occur from time to time for various reasons, "Kim said.

Talking about yourself, Kardashian reported that the diagnosis was delivered in 2006. She was then in New York at the opening of the "Dash" store and suddenly felt her skin began to strange and covered by stains. She then attributed it to the irritation, which was caused by a cloth. However, when her legs were covered with large red eyes, her mother immediately said that it was very similar to psoriasis, since she sicks this incurable disease herself. Since then, the star has been making an ointment with cortisol on the body and very much hopes for recovery. Kim says that its most noticeable stain is a plaque on his right foot. And she no longer tries to hide him, as it does not see the point of doing this secret.

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