Taylor Swift in Vogue magazine: about life, rumors and kelvin Harris


About your plans for the future: "I have no idea. For the first time in 10 years I do not know. After last year, for which many amazing things happened, I just decided ... I decided to just live my life and not put on myself a constant desire to do something. "

About rumors: "I have come across many times with the fact that people say terrible things about me. And it seems I learned to react correctly. This is a low level of anxiety for me. Very easy to spread rumors. If you say that you are pregnant, everything you can do is to remain pregnant and not give birth to a child. If someone says that your friendship is fake, you can only continue sincerely be friends. And then after 15 years, when we will still be close and we will grow children together, someone may say: "But all these rumors that distributed about Taylor and her friends were simply ridiculous."

About Kelvin Harris: "I just accept things as they are. Now I am in amazing relationship. And, of course, I would like to save it only between us. After all, this is my personal life. "

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