Season 6 "Games of Thrones" will be released before the next book


The novel "Wind of Winter" should be the sixth book of the "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle. Last Saturday, Martin said, with which the delay in writing a novel is caused. "" Wind of Winter "are not over. Believe me, writing these words does not give me any pleasure. You are disappointed, and in this you are not alone, "a writer admitted.

"My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO disappointed, my agents, foreign publishers and translators are disappointed ... But no one is disappointed more than I myself."

Martin admitted that he had always had problems with Deadlines, and stated that he still could not call even the estimated date of release of a new book. "I can't say when the novel is completed or when it will be published ... I'm not going to establish another Deadline for myself. Deadlines only make me nervous. "

Also George R. Martin also confirmed that in the 6th season "Games of the Thrones", which will be released on HBO already in April 2016, the storylines will appear, which previously not in his cycle "Song of Ice and Flame" will appear.

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