Poor Spiderman: The Universe of Symbirot presented on the fan poster "Vomet"


In recent years, the popularity of films for comics has grown to incredible scale, and Sony is not going to stay aside. The story, which began in 2018 with "Vota", next year will continue "Morbiius" and "Venomina 2". In addition, in the development of the studio there are many projects in which they are involved in the number of characters from Madam Putin, created by Mark Guggenheim.

And at least, plans for the creation of their own universe from Sony's grandiose, fans do not cease to think about the fate of the most religious hero - a man-spider man. Many think about what is waiting for him further, and the artist @psychboz even shared in Instagram fan art on this topic.

According to his version, the film in which the Universe of Symbirot will be presented and terrible creatures will capture the majority, if at all not all, the characters involved in the spider world. By the way, at least Peter Parker is currently actively involved in the events of the film marvel, there are increasingly assumptions that Tom Holland can be in the "Venoma 2" thanks to the transaction that Sony and Disney concluded last fall.

Poor Spiderman: The Universe of Symbirot presented on the fan poster

Kevin Faigi then as the fans should be irritated, saying that the Spiderman was the only hero who had the ability to cross the filmsens, and therefore would never be pre-predicted in advance what surprises are waiting ahead. So now it remains to wait for the release of the "Woman 2" screens and see if Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) prepared for a spider something interesting.

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