Star "Beverly Hills 90210" Tori Spelling accused of greed: "If you just earn"


During the quarantine period, most celebrities switched to remote communication regimen with their audience. TV hosts arrange online interviews with stars, artists give online concerts, actors and bloggers simply communicate with fans in videosphaty. All this, of course, free. But Tori Spelling decided to try to benefit from such classes. She came up with an online meeting "for chosen", on which only 20 of her fans could get. The prerequisite for participation is $ 95 payment. Is it worth talking what kind of wave of the indignation raised the Jewish Tori.


"Everyone is satisfied with free concerts, and you ask for money!", "Where are we from 95 extra dollars, when the whole world froze because of a pandemic?!", "There people die, and you are trying to earn us. What have you turned! " - Actress subscribers are expressed.

Recently, such a perturbation caused Lady Gaga and her father. Joseph Jermanotta tried to save his restaurant from the crisis and made a fundraiser on the Internet. He asked money to pay for rent and pay employees and wanted to collect the amount of 50 thousand dollars. Users were outraged, because the co-owner of this restaurant is his daughter Lady Gaga, which only last year earned tens of millions of dollars and recently acquired five-storey apartments in the center of New York.

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