In the "First Avenge" they saw a hint of coronavirus, but everything turned out to be funnier


Dubai film critic and writer William Mullly, the other day told on his page on Twitter, as he conducted an investigation in connection with the conspiramic hint of Coronavirus in the superhero film "First Avenger" (2011). Mullly explained that he was prompted to this message from a friend who is confident that COVID-19 is a conspiracy theory. According to this person, one of the confirmations of this hypothesis is the image of a ball with thickened processing in New York billboard in the film about Captain America. Mullally wrote about this:

"One of my friend who considers Covid a secret plot, sent me this post with the words that Captain America predicted the outbreak of coronavirus back in 2011. Although it is obvious that this is nonsense, I decided to approach the question thoroughly. "

As you can see, in the screenshot of the "first avenger", Steve Rogers, who turned out to be at Times Square in New York. Circle skyscrapers and large advertising signs. Conspirologists drew attention to two of them - Corona beer advertisement and advertising an unknown product, which made a very similar to the image of the coronavirus under the microscope. Friend Mullally claims that the world is ruled by a secret organization, which manages the consciousness of people, laying encrypted messages to cinema, television programs and different large-scale events. Mullally continued his report:

In the

"It looks very familiar. What is it? I started an investigation. "

In the

"At first I thought it could be the cover of a teenager novel, which was popular at the time. I looked through all such options, until I remembered that the cover of "Divergent" had the same color gamut, but a little different design. Close, but still not that. "

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"I called for help my friend Wes, who found a clearer screenshot. With an increase in the depicted object seemed even more familiar, but we still could not solve it. "

In the

"I found out that this scene was shot on April 23, 2011."

In the

"I looked at the posters of all films and the Broadway Shows, which were eaten from April and throughout the summer. Nothing".

In the

"I started watching a random video on YouTube in search of frames with Times Square made in April 2011. No traces of the desired poster. Wes began to view the streets using Bing and Google cards. "

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"Finally, Wes found it. We learned the logo and coloring. The case is disclosed. "

In the

"This is spaghetti."

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