Galactus and Silver Surfer arrive in the 4th Phase of the film Marvel in Fan Art


Now that Marvel can boast of rights to the "fantastic four", the appearance of Galactus in a film dealer is only a matter of time.

And at least, the exact date of arrival of the cosmic villain remains unknown, the Marvel fans have a chance to look at the possible development of events thanks to Fan Art, which the artist with nickname @cvialet_art published in his Instagram. The drawing is a scene of the confrontation between the Ematers of Worlds and Avengers - Captain Marvel (Bree Larson), Poikom Man (Tom Holland), Torok (Chris Hemsworth), as well as Dr. Strendjm (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Black Panther (Chedwick Bowzman).

Публикация от Camille Vialet (@cvialet_art)

Yes, in the coming years, the silver surfer is unlikely to notify the arrival of Galactus, but also new arts and rollers will certainly not make himself wait, which means that the interest of fans to this part of the Marvel universe will definitely not fade.

Quin Faigues about the future "fantastic four" while spreading is not in a hurry, but Bruce Holomb, who worked on graphics for "Avengers: Final", noticed that it would be incredible to see such a giant as Galactus, which appears and begins the offensive on earth Cities ", at the same time getting fading from local superheroes.

Recall, the fourth phase of the film Marvel opens the film "Black Widow". His premiere is scheduled for October 28.

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