Nominees for Oscar -2016: Who got the most awards?


In total over the past few months, 42 different premiums were awarded in the field of cinema in the field of cinema, which distribute a variety of cycle critics, associations and guilds (for example, film actors guild, script guilds, and so on). This is how record holders look like this season awards (we do not mention those who failed to conquer any award):

Best movie

"In the center of attention" - 23 awards

"Mad Max: Rare Road" - 9 awards

"Survivor" - 2 awards

Best director

George Miller ("Mad Max") - 17 awards

Tom McCarthy ("In the center of attention") - 6 awards

Alejandro Gonzalez Inonyrait ("Survivor") - 5 awards

Best actor

Leonardo Dicaprio ("Survivor") - 19 awards

Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs) - 5 awards

Matt Damon (Martian) - 2 awards

Best actress

Bree Larson ("Room") - 23 awards

Charlotte Rampling ("45 years") - 4 awards

Sirsha Ronan (Brooklyn) - 4 awards

Kate Blanchett ("Carol") - 2 awards

Jennifer Lawrence ("Joy") - 0 (!) Awards

Best Second Planner

Sylvester Stallone (Creed) - 10 awards

Mark Railness ("Spy Bridge") - 10 awards

Mark Ruffalo ("in the spotlight") - 2 awards

Best actress of the second plan

Alicia Vicander - 15 awards (11 for "from the car" and 4 for the "girl from Denmark")

Rooney Mara - 5 Awards for "Carol"

Kate Winslet - 4 awards for "Steve Jobs"

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