"Was there a bikini?": Wife Valery Meladze intrigued subscribers video from Dubai.


The former participant of the Pop Group "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva, like many Russian Celabriti, went to the New Year holidays in warm edges. Since now the borders of many countries are closed, the choice of stars fell on the United Arab Emirates. The singer perfectly spends time in Dubai, sunbathing under the warm rays of the Sun, and is divided with fans with different frames. One vacation video intrigued the fans of the singer.

So, the 41-year-old Albina Janabaeva published a video in his microblog, which took off while walking on the yacht. The singer put on round sunglasses of a fashionable shade, dismissed wet hair and showed itself so that only face and nude tanned shoulders were visible. "I start missing the sun. For about April, "said the spouse Valery Meladze coquettically admitted.

It would seem that the usual video began to actively discuss network users. Many worried about one question: did anything singer, because a swimsuit did not get into the camera lens. "Was there a bikini? Intriguing and beautiful "," Ah, such a video! In men, the fans of your creativity, the pulse sharply frequent "," Camera could not be lowered below, "the fans of Janabayeva were worn at the comments.

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