"People in white costumes": Valery Meladze showed a video from the "Red" hospital zone


"I am not a doctor, but now, when the whole world fights a pandemic, I could also be useful," said Valery Meladze, posing in his Instagram video from the "Red" zone of the Moscow Center of Infectious Diseases "Voronovskoe". "How many people I saw courageous people with good eyes and faith in the victory of a man over the disease!" - Valery Shotaevich admired. He explained that the day before he turned to doctors with a request to allow him to visit the care hospitals to support moral and doctors, and patients in the "Red" zone. And at once several hospitals responded to his request, so this visit will certainly be not the only promotion of support.

"When you yourself wear a protective suit and you go to the" red "zone, somehow immediately falls into our place," Meladze shared his impressions. He added that people in protective costumes become indistinguishable from each other, "like two drops of water", so they did not know him until the surroundings were reported to those who are in front of them. Even I had to write his name and surname on the back of the protective costume Meladze.

"I am glad that caused positive emotions in patients and doctors! I wish you all health !!! Doctors - forces and patience !!! Low Bow !!! " - signed an artist.

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