"I have four children": Matthew McConahi compared 88-year-old mother with a difficult child


Matthew McConaja and his wife Camila Alves spend a quarantine in her house in Texas. Spouses raise two sons and daughter, and also care about Kay, 88-year old mother Matthew.

In a recent interview with Ellen Degerenes, the actor told him how to experience self-insulation in such a big family.

"Seven months have passed since quarantine started. This is quite a long time. I sometimes say that I actually have four children - one 12, another 10, the third 7, and the fourth 88, "Matthew joked. He also noted that in such a company he and Camile it is difficult to find time for privacy.

"Sometimes you just all day in the running: it is necessary to help children with learning on the remote, everyone will give everything, cook food. I do my job, Camila - my own. It happens that at 10 pm we only notice each other and such: "Oh, hello, how are you?" But she knows how to plan a good time, our routine of the day is becoming more clear, it appears time and for us. We say: "So, you don't knock from so at all. This is our time, "the actor shared.

In May, after two months, Quarantine Matthew told that he was not easy for him to live with her mother under the same roof.

"We are with my mother, she is 88, I just don't have time for her! We have three children, they staged repairs in their rooms. And I learned better than my pets. And I found out where the plumbing is passed - I never knew it. For these two months I learned a lot about my own home and family, "McConaja told.

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