Matthew McConaja called the romantic comedy of 2000, which deserves the sequel


Matthew McConaja stopped being shot in a romantic comedy more than 10 years ago and "rebuilt" career, making a choice in favor of dramatic roles. As a result, it helped him get an Oscar. But it was not easy to make a decision. So, for one of the roles in Melodrama, Matthew offered a fee of $ 14.5 million.

"No, I have never regretted it," he said on the air Daily Pop E!, Adding that then took a two-year pause, so that the audience rested from his traditional characters.

Despite this story, it seems, McConaah still misses one of the heroes. At least he is ready to play in the sequel of the popular Comedy of 2003 "How to get rid of a guy in 10 days." "As for romantic comedies, it was really a good game. And people still love this film, "the artist added.

We will remind, according to the plot of the tape the main heroine Kate Hudson gets a contradictory Editorial Task - she needs to write a material about what girls can go to get rid of the boning boyfriend. After 10 days the article had to lie on the table at the chief editor. Fate drives a journalist with a sauna advertising agent, which just argued with the boss, which will be able to get acquainted with the beauty, and then throw it in the same time.

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