Matthew McConaja, Charlie Hannem, Colin Farrell and others in the video about the creation of "gentlemen"


In connection with the early digital release of the new film Gaya Richie "Gentlemen" of the film company "Volga" laid out a Russified vocabulary dedicated to the creation of this comedy militant. Going out last winter, "Gentlemen", led by the whole Pleiama of Hollywood stars immediately won the love of the audience, and the fresh video because of the Kulis makes it clear that on the set reigned the same drive that the film itself reversed.

Matthew McConaja, Charlie Hannem, Colin Farrell and others in the video about the creation of

The video is a selection of concise and laconic phrases taken from the interview with Matthew McConaja, Charlie Hannem, Colin Farrell, Michelle Dokers and other artists who played in "Gentlemen" key roles. They do not hide their delight from work on this "stylish, rhythmic and musical painting with juicy dialogues", and also emphasize that the work under Richie gave them great pleasure. Also, you can also from the roller, for example, to find out that during filming the actors often improvised, so that the change scenario was made right through the work.

In the "gentlemen" Richie decided to return to the spirit and stylistics of such her early paintings, as "cards, money, two trunks" and "Big Kush", thanks to which he became famous for the whole world in the late 90s.

Gentlemen collected almost $ 115 million in world steel, while the painting budget amounted to just over $ 36 million.

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