"It will be hot": Matthew McConaja and Hugh Grant sucks their elderly parents


After joint filming in the film "Gentlemen", which will be released on the screens on January 24, Hugh Grant and Matthew McConaeh decided to breed. In one of the recent interviews, the actors unexpectedly stated that they decided to comply with their elderly parents, persuading them to dine them together. Colleagues have joked that "Chemistry" will definitely emerge between James and Kay.

They must meet next week. Most likely we will not see them until the end of the evening,

- said Matthew.

We have already introduced them in absentia, they are in anticipation of the meeting. It will be hot! Maybe I professionally do the matchmaking of people who for 80?

- joked Hugh.

James Grant - the former military, has the rank of captain. Kay McConaughey in the past worked as a teacher in kindergarten, then became a writer. Matthew's father, Jim McConaja, died in 1992, and Finvola Grant, Hugh, died from pancreatic cancer in 2001. After that, widowed parents of the actors did not start relationships.

Matthew said that his mother still dreams of becoming a movie star.

When I just started to shoot, she went with me on audition. I think it was not so much support sign, how much her own desire to be in such a medium,

- noted the actor. He also said that Kay McConaehi is "very energetic nature", which neither Matthew, nor his brother, nor their father.

Now I tell her: "Do you know what? All, freedom of action! Come on, act! "

- McConaeah shared.

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