"Thought, this is your children's photo": Anna Star'shenbaum showed an 8-year-old son and boasted him to successes


Actress Anna Starshenbaum posted a photo of his son Ivan to the network. The boy will soon be 9 years old. Star mom with delight informed the subscribers that her son learned to cut his nails himself: "For you, it is certainly not important for you, but we have a whole event. We learned how to cut your nails themselves, "she wrote proudly on his personal page in Instagram. Network users were pleased with the new success of the child and began to recall the achievements of their children, as well as share the secrets of successful education.

However, it was not much more struck by Follovers not the successes of Ivan, but his resemblance to his mother. What they were hurried to inform: "Looks like your mother, handsome," "a copy of mom, well done!", "Mamochkin Son!" And, indeed, the boy is incredibly similar to Anna not only by the features of the face, but also wavy hair.

Also, the 31-year-old Starnishenbaum buried that time flies too rapidly and the boy was already completely adult. "I appreciate every day of this wonderful period. After 11 days, this person will be 9 years old, I have no idea how to celebrate. Advise? " - wrote an actress.

And, of course, interesting ideas flew rapidly in the comments. So, she was offered to note in the subject of the film "The Last Bogatyr", to hold the thematic quest or just sleep comfortably at home.

Ivan was born in marriage with actor Alexei Bardukov, with him Starshbaum lived in marriage seven happy years, however, this beautiful couple broke up.

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