Holly Berry intends to deprive the former husband of alimony


Now Holly and Gabriel have joint custody over 6-year-old daughter. By the court decision, Berry pays every month to a former husband $ 16,000 for the maintenance of the baby. And although this amount was calculated according to the standard formula used in California to appoint alimony, the actress intends to reduce payments. She filed an application to the court, where it demands to reduce the amount from 16,000 to 3000. The star claims that her former fashion model man spends money on himself and abuses the system.

Obry, in turn, do not agree with the accusations. "Gabriel will fight any attempts to reduce alimony," insider assured. - There is no evidence that the GEB abuses the system. He still continues to work in the model business. But because of the joint guardianship, he cannot afford full-time. Gabu had to abandon several advertising contracts, as they implied the core. " According to the informant, the obsection has already acquired a strong team of lawyers and is ready to join the judicial dispute with the ex-wife.

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