Shared children with a former wife: Brad Pitt will hold Christmas with Shailo, Knox and Vivien


According to an anonymous source from the ex-marital couple - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - children left from marriage will hold holidays apart from each other. So, the actor plans to meet Christmas with a 14-year-old daughter Shailo and 11-year-old Noks and Vivien twins. With Jolie, the older children will remain at this time - 16-year-old Pax, 15-year-old Zakhar and 19-year-old Maddox, who is officially considered adults and can decide himself where he is.

For a long time, the star couple could not solve numerous questions with a divorce. The process lasted since 2016, ended in 2019, but the problems of custody of numerous children remained open. According to the source, at the beginning of the year Angelina and Brad planned to collect all together on Christmas holidays, but the situation changed when the dispute broke out with a new force.

"Brad and Angelina are equally responsible for the endless drama. Unfortunately, their children suffer from this most, "the insider says in US WEEKLY.

According to the same source, relations between actors remain "extremely tense" due to the fact that Jolie is disappointed with the unsuccessful course of the proceedings in the care case. Irritation was added because of a pandemic, as the celebrity, accustomed to travel around the world as an ambassador of the UN Good Will, cannot do this now and is forced to be in isolation in Los Angeles.

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