"People are easier not to see": Angelina Jolie believes that domestic violence belongs to non-serious


Angelina Jolie combines excellent acting, creative projects, care for six children with an active life position. The actress has been occupied by the post of Special Envoy of Good Will, the UN and is engaged in charity. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, Jolie said that it particularly outraged during numerous visits to various regions of the planet: "According to the UN monitoring data, only in the last year, 243 million women and girls have undergone violence from a partner, and less than 40 percent reported About it ... And the result is achieved in even smaller cases - well, if in one of five! ".

The actress stated that it appreciates women and cannot be calm, knowing about their huge and incredit sufferings, knowing about widespread irresponsibility. Jolie hurts from repeating violent behavior models around the world: "Women are vulnerable because the society is not equally. Women and children disproportionately suffer as a result of war or economic crises - they are not only beaten physically, they are exploited and dismissed, they mock them and humiliate. "

Angelina Jolie believes that homemade and gender violence in all countries of the world is not perceived quite seriously - and this problem is far from solving even in the most developed states and communities.

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