Laigled: Angelina Jolie failed to remove the familiar judge from the case against Brad Pitt


In August, Angelina Jolie filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Los Angeles with a request to remove from the case of a private judge John Oderkirka, who delays it with Brad Pitt. The actress stated that John had a business relationship with one of Brad's lawyers and did not reveal this information in a timely manner. In the petition of Angelina it was said that the actor's lawyer "was actively advocated for the financial interests of the judge Oderkirka." Recently it turned out that the petition of Jolie was rejected and the judge of Oderwork would remain in business.

The court decree states that Oderkirk and did not conceive information about Pitt lawyers. It is alleged that Angelina was inquired about the workers' connections of Oderkirka and she could demand his removal earlier, and now her actions look untouched.

In the summer, an insider predicted "War" between Pitt and Jolie because of her attempt to remove the judge. Brad and his team really gave repulsory: they accused an actress in an intentional attempt to delay the broken-water process. However, Angelina claims that she wanted a "fair trial without privileges for both parties."

Pitt and his lawyers were seriously concerned that he was negatively affecting him with jolie, the trial will negatively affect their children, the registration of the guardianship over which is still not resolved.

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