The promotional art set to the "eternal" leaked to the network, on which you can see the design of superhero costumes


The network appeared another portion of promotional arts to the upcoming blockbuster Marvel "Eternal" studio. On published in Twitter images, it is possible to consider the design of the costumes of the characters of Richard Madden ("bodyguard") and Kumale Nanjiani ("Love is illness"). The first played the leader of the team leader - Ikaris, the second is the role of Kingo.

The central heroes of the original comics Jack Kirby are representatives of the oldest race of genetically improved people. They appeared during the experiments of god-like celestifiers and live on the planet already 5 million years. Only one fact is known about the plot: to get out of the shadows, the team makes the grandiose events that have occurred in the "Avengers: Final".

Angelina Jolie ("Malefistent"), Keith Harington ("Game Thrones"), Jamma Chan ("Captain Marvel"), Bryan Taryri Henry ("Atlanta"), Salma Hayek ("Killer's bodyguard") , Barry Keogan (Dunkirk), Lauren Ridloff ("New Amsterdam") and Leah McCheu ("Towards the darkness").

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the release of the expensive project Chloe Zhao ("Earth of Nomads", "Rider") had to be postponed by November 4, 2021.

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