"I went too far": Insider promises a war between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt


Recently it became known that Angelina Jolie filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Los Angeles with a request to remove from the case of a private judge John Oderkirka, who delays it with Brad Pitt. Now Pitt can repulse it, reports US Weekly.

The judge dismissed from the case allegedly has business relations with one of Brad's lawyers, and he did not reveal this information in a timely manner. In the petition of Angelina it says that Brad's lawyer "actively advocated the financial interests of Judge Oderkirka." The source of the publication said:

Brad says Angelina went too far. It remains nothing left, except for how to split and give a rebuff - hard.

Persons affected most of all from the tactical Gambit Jolie are their children with Brad who are still deprived of the final decision of guardianship issues,

- Pitt's lawyers stated in his response to Jolie's statement.

Divorce Jolie and Pitt is in closed mode, so the process details are unknown. They officially divorced in April 2019, but still solve some financial issues and custody issues. Although the news was held in July that Brad and Angelina had achieved mutual understanding with respect to the co-rapidation of children. It was reported that with the help of psychotherapy managed to "retur with the paternity" Brad - Jolie all this time wanted to raise children alone.

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