Changning Tatum will be sprinkling and shakes in the film about Eve Nivele


In addition, one of the brightest teams is ready to produce the film - Michael de Luka and Dana Brunetti. Which recently took up the hotly discussed "fifty shades of gray" for Universal Pictures and Focus Features.

Robert Craig Nivel's Cascaderal name was made in 1970s due to its unique motorcycle jumping. Nivel became famous for his star-striped suit and numerous bone fractures (he had 433 fractures.) At the peak of popularity, he received support for Harley-Davidson and toy line of IDEAL Toy Company. Nivel died in 2007 aged 69 years.

Tatum is not the first actor who took the famous extremal. George Hamilton in 1971 starred in the film "Evil Nivel", and Nivel himself starred in 1977 in the film "Long live Nivel!"

The film will be based on the book of Stewart Barcker "Life of Evel". Thanks to a number of hits, including a semi-autobiographic ADU stripter Super T-shirt, Taitim got the opportunity to act in truly exciting projects. In his future plans to play in the "fox hunter" of Bennet Miller, based on the biography of a real person - the Olympic champion Mark Schulz.

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