The antisientologist called the angry Tara of Tom Cruise on "Mission: Impressive 7" advertising trick


The well-known opponent of Scientology and Personally Tom Cruise Lia Remini did not believe the recent trick of the actor when he shouted at his film crew. Recall that the network turned out to be an audio recording, on which Tom hard reports colleagues due to non-compliance with their safety measures and threatens dismissal. The actor could not resist when he saw that his two employees were standing too close to each other.

In an interview with the Antisientological portal of The Underground Bunker, the remine said that the breakdown of Cruz was a "production" and that aggression from his part "not news".

"I think someone wrote this angry tirade for him, and then his assistant-Scientologist recorded it and published. It's all only for the sake of PR, "said Lia.

Remini insists that aggression and cruelty is the true appearance of the cruise. "He is an absurre person. I witnessed it to a small extent I experienced it on myself, and also heard about it from his girlfriend, friends and employees. This is a real volume, "noted Lia.

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According to the source of the newspaper The Sun, published by the mentioned audio, after the angry tirad of the cruise from his team fastened five people.

Lia Remini once consisted in the Church of Scientologists, but left her. Now she talks about the dangers and dangers of this organization and negatively responds to its star representative of the Cruz, who, according to remin, is too fascinated by the Scientology ideology.

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