Several members of the film crew "Mission: Impossible 7" lost work


This week at the site of the seventh part of the "Mission: Impurge" there was a scandalous incident: the star and producer of the franchise Tom Cruz fell into several members of the film crew due to the fact that they did not follow the security protocols in connection with COVID-19. The actor swore loudly and could not stop. The audio recording of his tirada fell into the network and quickly became the subject of long discussions.

According to the Toronto Sun tabloid, this is not the first case on the shooting, the voltage is growing for several months. The actor is responsible for thousands of jobs, so under the burden of responsibility, it breaks down on employees who do not perceive what is happening seriously, as he. It is alleged that the recording leaning on the Internet only aggravated the situation, after which five people left the project forever.

Shooting "Mission: Impressed 7" was frozen several times because of the coronavirus pandemic. Cruise and director Christopher McQorery with great strength returned the picture into production; So that the process passed without interruptions, volume is now personally controls precautions.

The Russian premiere of the next blockbuster about Supershpion ITANAN KHANTA will be held on November 18, 2021.

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