Todorenko responded to the recognition of Topalova: "I tear my heart"


The famous singer Vlad Topalov published in the personal microblog in Instagram a touching post, which dedicated his wife - TV presenter Regina Todorenko. So, the artist posted a photo of his beloved, where she was captured when she was covered with a blanket, and accompanied him with an excerpt from the work of Fredrika Bakman called "The Second Life Uve".

"Similarly, I, sometimes, guess, for which she chose me. Thank you, Lord, I am the happiest on earth. What and you wish you! " - wrote Topalov after thinking the hero from the debut novel of the Swedish writer.

Regina Todorenko, in turn, could not pass by the post of his spouse.

"Only with you my heart beats faster. I tear my heart into parts, uve, "wrote a star in the comments that added Emodi in the form of a large red heart.

Network users also did not remain aside from Topalov's publication.

"Give you to keep your love for many years," "How beautiful, happiness to you," "How cute, you are a very cool couple. Take care of each other, "they said.

We will remind, Vlad Thalov and Regina Todorenko got married in October 2018. Then the television has already been in an interesting situation and gave birth to her husband of the heir - the son of Mikhail - December 5 of the same year.

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