Blake Lively responded to the photo Ryan Reynolds in underwear


In Instagram account, Ronald McDonca, famous for celebrity photographs, appeared frame with Ryan Reynolds. In the photo, a man, to whom the actor's face, lies on a transport tape in a supermarket in a short T-shirt and the colors of the American flag. Ryan Blake Liveli's wife threatened her husband, commenting on the publication:

Please stop stealing my personal photos.


Публикация от Ronald McDonkey (@ronaldmcdonkey)

Users supported Liveli: "It could easily be a real photo", "God, my eyes! Ryan, what do you do?! "," I really don't see here Photoshop "," This is a real picture of Ryan, I am sure. " Reynolds himself has not commented on this photo. In addition to Reynolds in shorts on the McDonki page, you can meet crazy photos with Dyun Johnson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Billy Alish and other stars.

Blake Lively responded to the photo Ryan Reynolds in underwear 83057_1

Recently Ryan became co-owner of Mint Mobile and released an ironic commercial with his mother. In the video, she suggests that it is important to ring your parents. And then adds:

My son recently became the owner of the mobile operator. Do you think he began to call me more often? You're wrong. Do not be as Ryan. Call your mom.

In the commentary, another famous troll came immediately - Hugh Jackman, who wrote:

Dear Mrs. Reynolds. For the fact that you raised such a son like Ryan, I declare you saint. With love, Hugh.

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