"It's urgently to the grandmother in the village!": Sysoeva's escaped hope was frightened by the social network


The 36-year-old star of the Comedy Woman show Nadezhda Sysoeva seems to have already managed to plunge into an autumn mood, but still does not want to put up with the diverse season. In the personal Instagram account, the actress published an atmospheric series of pictures, where it is captured against the background of yellowing foliage.

"Armed with" volumetric boots, she went to the Promenade, but not without a "protest." The humorist chose a bodie shirt of a beige shade to a rough shoe shirt, reminiscent of hot pore. In the photo of one hand she clings for the iron hedge, and the other holds the hair.

"In this photo, I remind you of a dog greyhound! Type, "Autumn there", "commented on the hopes.

The fans extinguished the star outfit, which, apparently, forgot about underwear. Piquant image added light makeup with an emphasis in the eyes. Sysoeva decided not to do the hairstyle, leaving curly strands to the lean.

"Graceful", - Commented on Folloviers.

"Stunning image!" - Others agreed.

Some subscribers it seemed that the humor was too strengthened in the gyms, refusing to themselves in the necessary calories.

"Nada, eat well, please! So that we are not worried about you, "the fans wrote.

"Substitute Shawarma," the adorables of close stars advised.

"Urgently to the grandmother in the village!" - Followers converged.

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