"I now have a little fluffy son": Nastya Ivleva celebrated the 30th anniversary


The leading travel show "Eagle and Rusk" Nastya Ivelieva celebrated his anniversary on the eve. Celebrities turned 30 years old. Ivelev told about how everything went, and shared emotions from the received congratulations.

The blogger published some particularly memorable moments on his personal page on the Instagram network and admitted that he acquired a new pet. So, on one of the pictures of Ivelieva picked up lying on the sofa and kept the kitten of the Siamese rock on the hands. As it turned out, the star decided to start the kitten in the rustling of emotions. "Today I came home with a cat! My Mr. Cat! Now we have a full-fledged fluffy resident, "the blogger joyfully informed.

Ivleeva admitted that he went to the nearest store for purchases, but something went not according to plan. The star told that he returned back home only four hours with a new pet. Moreover, she clarified that because of the kitten even missed the salute, which was in the capital in honor of the birthday man. "I did not go to the salute in Moscow, for now I have a small-fluffy son," the instadival admitted proudly.

Fans of the TV presenter congratulated their favorite on his birthday and thanked for the beautiful salute, who lit up the sky at once in several cities. Many fans of Ivleva rated her spontaneous gesture and became interested in a kitten. "Kitten Gav?", "Cat Milash!", "Siamese, it is necessary!" - wrote in the comments of Folloviers.

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