"When you sleep with Meladze": Nastya Ivelev conquered the social network with a colleague gift


Blogger and TV presenter Nastya Ivelev on his page in Instagram boasted an unusual gift from his girlfriend and colleagues Yulia Koval, who did in honor of her upcoming birthday. As it turned out, Koval gave birthday a pillow with the image of singer Valeria Meladze. In the publication, Ivelev showed a comic photo session and told the story of congratulations.

"Once Koval asked me, they say," Brother, Want for the birthday of Meladze? ". I say: "Of course! You still ask!? This is my dream!". Thank you, Yulka, "writes Ivleva.

Fans with delight accepted record. They left hundreds of commercial comments, someone quoted the appropriate lines from the songs of the famous singer, someone poked over the very fact of a similar gift.

"When you sleep with Meladze," fans laugh.

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Also, fans with humor remembered the wife of celebrities - Rapere Elder. The main thing is how the subscribers noted that the husband was not jealous to a new gift.

Other subscribers were surprised to notice that Ivelev was going to celebrate the 30th birthday. Under the publication, they noted that the celebrity does not look at their age, according to some, the celebrity should celebrate the maximum of the 25th anniversary.

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