"Ten kilograms prevented I live": Ivleyev revealed a slimming recipe


Blider and TV presenter Nastya Ivelev boasted a thin waist. She admitted that during Quarantine almost did not limit herself in food, therefore, urgent measures for weight loss took.

Nastya has shown the frame subscribers from new photo sessions. In the pictures, a blogger in short tops that give to consider her thin waist and a flat belly. It turned out that such a form of Ivleev achieved a special diet.

"Guys, the reason for my loss of excess weight is the right nutrition. Here is the lettuce leaves, here is a tuna, tomato, corn. And all! Khrumkay - lose weight. I am those 10 kilograms that I dropped, just interfered with living, "answered Nastya on numerous questions of fans about the methods of weight loss.

The blogger admitted that at the start of the fight against kilograms, she strictly followed what he eats, and did not let the slack. But from the beginning of the diet, it has already lost 10 kilograms and sometimes allows themselves small deviations from proper nutrition.

"I came home in a half-night night. And you know what was on my plate? Puree and cutlets! But in fact, I could afford it, because I already threw off too much. So I can, and if you are still at the beginning of your way, then you can not, "blogger fans warned.

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