Elton John and Ricky Martin call on boycott Dolce & Gabbana


"The family is not some kind of fad," said Stefano Gabbana in an interview with Panorama. "No synthetic children and rental of the module: life flows naturally, and there are things that cannot be changed." Domenico Dolce in the scandalous interview added that children born as a result of artificial fertilization or donation - "Children of chemistry, synthetic children."

Elton John, who brings up with his wife David Fernish two children born as a result of extracorporeal fertilization, answered the performance of Italian designers by an angry post in Instagram:

"How dare you call my beautiful children" synthetic ". You disgrace yourself, condemning the extracorporeal fertilization - a miracle that allowed millions of loving people to fulfill their dreams and make children. Your archaic thinking is also outdated as your fashion. I will never be no Dolce & Gabbana anymore. Elton John accompanied his post hashteg #boycottdolcegabbana.

Tennis player Martina Navratilova joined the boycott, and Ricky Martin called on Dolce & Gabbana to "wake up": "Our voices are too strong to spread so much hatred ... Wake up, in the yard of 2015! Love yourself!".

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