Hayden Panteur received a bouquet of flowers from Tom Ford


When she was asked on a red carpet, what she's dressed, she said: "This is Tom Ford. This is the first time I put it on, I really begged ... I feel sexual, I feel comfortable, I love Tom Ford. If he creates a plastic bag, I will still wear it. "

Shortly after that, Jim Shi's journalist wrote on Twitter: "Tom Ford confirmed to me that this evening he only dressed Naomi Watts. Hayden Pantiere bought her Tom Ford dress in retail. C-c".

In any case, the dress on Hayden looked perfectly, that confirmed the photo of the actress, which she placed on Twitter. On him a bouquet of flowers she got from the designer with the words of gratitude for her words, spoken on a red carpet.

"Such an honor to wear one of the masterpieces of this person! Thanks for the beautiful flowers! - commented on his photo of the actress.

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