Oskarone actresses in The Hollywood Reporter magazine. November 2013


Oskarone actresses in The Hollywood Reporter magazine. November 2013 83555_1

Amy Adams on how Glory has changed her life : "I am ready for shakes with paparazzi. It will happen. They monitor my child. Hey, moms, how do you handle this? Because I need to calm down. I have a very cool temper. I need to learn to control myself. "

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Marion Cotiyar about the role she would like to play : "I would like to play a monster. For example, Hollum or some kind of image in which it will be necessary to invent absolutely everything. "

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Rachel Weiss about fear : "Fear is like a couple who starts the internal combustion engine. Fear is necessary to create. "

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Naomi Watts about what she is afraid as an actress : "I'm unhappy until I will release at least a small part of my fear outside. I always try to do it. Always call the director and I say: "I don't know if I cope with the role." Before shooting "Malkolland Drive" I was horrified by the prospects to work with David Fincher. I went through the castings for years and listened that in me one thing, then another is not so, not enough. And reached a point when it was completely intimidated and considered herself anything. And then he just looked into my eyes and saw something in them. "

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Ann Hathaway about his creative plans : "I would like to play Catherine the Great. Now I read her biography, and this is such a great story. It has sex and abstinence, and she was so brilliant in this role so much expanser. I would like to mask it. "

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Helen Hunt about what role she had to fight : "I had to fight for each. I was too young, too blonde, too in the style of Sitkomov, too uninteresting for serious roles. I have come across many years with the fact that the director wanted to take me, but there is no studio. "

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Sally Field About Glory : "This is a completely different world. I was in business for 50 years. There are magazines for fans, and they will reduce young stars with people whom you do not even know. I recently faced it and was horrified. This happened to me at 17, 18, 19, 20. "

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