Results of independent film spirit awards 2011


The best movie Recognized "Black Swan", the artist of the leading role Natalie Portman became Best actress (She bypassed Annette Benning, Nicole Kidman, Greto Gervig and Jennifer Lawrence), and Darren Aronofsky - Best director.

The film's title also claimed the picture "127 hours", "Greenberg", "kids in order" and "winter bone". Among the applicants for receiving a reward for the director, Danny Boyle ("127 hours"), Lisa Khotelko ("Baby in order"), Debra Branik ("Winter Bone") and John Cameron Mitchell ("Rabbit Nora").

The list of laureates in other nominations is as follows:

The best debut: "Burry me alive"

Special Award John Kassavets (Available with paintings with a budget to $ 500 thousand):

"Long-legged daddy"

Best script: Lisa Kholodelko ("Baby in order")

Best Scenic Debut: Lena Danham ("Tiny Furniture")

The best female role: Natalie Portman ("Black Swan")

Best Male Role: James Franco ("127 hours")

The best female role of the second plan: Dale Dicky ("Winter Bone")

The best male role of the second plan: John Hawks ("Winter Bone")

The best film in a foreign language: "King says!"

Best documentary: "Exit through the souvenir shop"

Best operator work: Matthew Libatik ("Black Swan")

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