Rumor: Valkyrie's beloved in "Torah: Love and Thunder" will play Jody Comer


Despite all its popularity, "Thor: Ragnaret" received from fans and a portion of indignation related to the fact that the situation with the sexual orientation of Valkyrie was not clearly marked, although Testa Thompson itself confirmed that her heroine should be bisexual. But it seems, Marvel will correct this omission in Tore: Love and Thunder. "

Rumor: Valkyrie's beloved in

As a new Lord of Asgrad Valkyrie will be sought in the film "His Queen", and, if you believe rumors, it will become Angela - Refugees, who tests for the character Tesa's most tender feelings. And, apparently, those who will take on this role will be Jody Comer. By the way, in the comic book Angela - a long-lost sister of Torah and Loki, also known for his relationship with the angel gray. But it seems that in the filmsened Marvel, she has to be connected with Valkyria.

Rumor: Valkyrie's beloved in

As for the Commer, then such an important role in such a blockbuster would be the next step in her career after the image of Wilall in the "killing Eve." Also among the nearest projects, the actress is a fantastic fighter "The Main Hero", where the company will be Ryan Reynolds, and the "Last Duel" Ridley Scott.

Considering that Jody and Tessa are at the peak of popularity and boast of huge fan armies, their love line would undoubtedly be very successful. Rumors will be confirmed or not, it will become clear later, since while the production of most films is suspended due to coronavirus pandemic.

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