Joseph Gordon-Levitt will play a cricket, and Cynthia Erivo Blue Fairy in the remake "Pinocchio"


Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Cynthia Erivo joined the new Pinocchio project, which is designed specifically for the Disney + Stregnation Service. Robert Zedekis will perform a director of the new adaptation of the famous fairy tale Carlo Collodi.

So, according to foreign media reports, Gordon-Levitt will fulfill the role of the cricket of Jimini Crycker, and his colleague Eriva will embody the image of the blue fairies. Together with them, Kigan Michael Ki is involved in the upcoming picture, which will voicate honest John, Tom Hanks as Jepetto, as well as the young actor Benjamin Evan Einsworth as Pinocchio himself.

Judging by the information, the film will begin to shoot at the end of this month in the UK, and it will immediately appear on the Disney + service, most likely, bypassing the cinemas. The exact date, despite the early start of the filming, is unknown.

According to preliminary data, Pinocchio is planned to be removed using Live-Action technologies. That is, Tom Hanks will give not only Jepetto's voice, but also his facial expressions, as well as manners. Recently, the Disney Studio is increasingly resorting to such a technique by moving its legendary stories. So, for example, "Aladdin" and "King Lion" were lifted, which appeared in 2019.

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