Chris Hemsworth will play a major role in the spin-off "Mad Max" about Furiosa


The director of "Mad Max: Furious Road" George Miller confirmed that he plans to remove the prequel about Furios, in which the prehistory of fearless warrior will be revealed. In the upcoming picture, the heroine will still be very young, so Charlize Theron will not be able to return to this role. It is not yet known who will become its succession, but now there have been information who can get a major male role in the future film.

According to The Illumiderdi, Max Rocatarian in the prequel on Furiosa should not wait, but a new character named Deventus will be introduced into the plot. Insiders argue that the Warner Bros Studio is on this role. Intends to invite Chris Hemsworth, who became famous for the role of Torah in the filmsened Marvel. It is reported that Dementus will be a "amazingly beautiful man with an angelic face, but he will have a deep wound on his forehead, covered with shiny chrome-plated brackets." Judging by the description, this guy will be a villain, although this moment is only a guessed.

Chris Hemsworth will play a major role in the spin-off

Solnik about Furios is now at an early stage of development, so it's not about approving the actors. However, Hemsworth would clearly looked great in the image of Deventus. At the same time, rumors walk that Richard Madden also claims to this role ("The game of Thrones", "Eternal").

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