Joseph Gordon-Levitt showed an archival photo with a hit ash and the stars "10 reasons for my hatred"


On the eve, Joseph Gordon-Levitt presented a nostalgic gift fans, sharing a photo from filming a cult adolescent film "10 reasons for my hatred." The film came out on the screens for 21 years ago, and the actor noted that he had the most wonderful memories with him.

On the archive picture, all key heroes of the tape are depicted: Joseph himself, as well as Julia Stiles (Qatarina Stratford), Hit Ledger (Patrick Verona), Gabriel Union (Cestiti), Larisa Oleinik (Bianca Stratford), Andrew Kigan (Joey Donner) and David Kramholts (Michael Ekman).

Joseph Gordon-Levitt showed an archival photo with a hit ash and the stars

The fans of the publication of Gordon-Levitta liked, and they immediately left dozens of warm comments. It turned out that even after two decades later, many of them consider "10 reasons for their hatred" with their favorite film and are glad to follow how the career of actors who starred in it appear.

The film, based on the "Taming of the Stropive" Shakespeare, showed the history of Cameron, who in order to meet with the beloved by Bianca, forced to find a cavaller and for her sister Catharina. As a result, his choice fell on the hooligan Patrick, whom het Ledger played.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt showed an archival photo with a hit ash and the stars

"10 reasons for my hatred" became a real career springboard for both Gordon-Levitta and other actors, and rightly considered one of the best "school" films of all time. In 2009, the series of the same name was even released on the ABC TV channel, noteworthy the fact that the head of the Stratford family was shot there from the original film Larry Miller.

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