"Ten years together!": Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataki celebrated the wedding anniversary


The star "Torah" and "Avengers" Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataki, famous for the spectators on the films of the Furious series, celebrated the first important anniversary: ​​a couple together for 10 years.

In honor of this event, Chris laid out in Instagram several joint photos with his beloved, made in different periods of their relationship.

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"Ten years together!" - Signed 37-year-old actor frames from the family archive.

In a warm selection - pictures from joint travel, on which the stars hugging and kissing, and one frame, in which Elsa is captured surrounded by three common children.

"I look forward to the achievements of modern science and medicine to enjoy a couple of hundreds of years with you," hemsworth wrote beloved.

She answered him in his Instagram. Elsa laid out a snapshot from their home, where she stands in the living room among the photographs laid down on the floor.

"To look at the photos made in 10 years was almost as fun, how to live these years. I love you always, forever, "the actress's husband congratulated her husband.

By the way, 37-year-old Hemsworth and 44-year-old Pataki got married in December 2010. During this time, they had three children: the daughter of India, which is now eight, and the six-year-old Gemini sons Sasha and Tristan. In one of the interviews, the actress was recognized that they were called their perfect pair with Hemsworth, but there were takeoff and falls in their history, and the period was especially difficult after the appearance of children. The secret of long marriage Pataka calls sincere love between her and her husband. "We still continue to work on relationships," admitted actress.

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