"Nobody suffered": Family Jennifer Lawrence lost a summer camp in a fire


Family farm Jennifer Lawrence in Kentucky, on the basis of which the summer camp is working, was destroyed by fire. The Camp Hi-Ho Camp Administration announced that happened in Facebook. "We are deeply grateful for the fact that no person or animal suffered, but we still mourn the lost years of hard work and memories that have acquired on these walls," the statement says.

Employees of the camp also thanked firefighters that were very quickly reacted with an emergency. According to some data, the extinguishing of the flame took more than an hour and it took about 30 firefighters and half a dozen trucks. The problems caused the absence of water supply - rescuers had to fill all the water into the tanks. The causes of the fire are still specified.

At the disposal of TMZ editions turned out to be a letter of brother actresses Jennifer Lawrence, Blaine, who owns and led Hi-Ho, addressed to parents of permanent camp pupils. In it, he described the damage that the farm struck the Farm - was lost office space, a stall for horses, an indoor pad for riding, a wildlife exhibition, a zone of decorative and applied art, a garage with agricultural machinery and a medical center. Blaine promised to reconstruct the camp for the summer of 2021 and asked sponsorship to restore.

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