Kristen Bell admitted that her 5-year-old daughter still carries diapers


39-year-old actress Kristen Bell and her 45-year-old spouse Dax Shepard brief two daughters - Seven-year-old Lincoln and a five-year-old Delta.

Recently, in her show Momsplaining with Kristen Bell, Kristen admitted that her five-year-old daughter still carries diapers. According to her, the senior to the toilet was "superpost," and the younger came out otherwise.

When older was almost two years old, we just offered her to use the toilet in another room. Since then, she no longer wore diapers,

- said Bell. And added:

My husband and I laughed that, they say, you can just tell the child to enjoy the toilet. Why do everyone make such a problem from this? It's so easy.

At the same time, Kristen noted that it didn't work out with younger, and in his five and a half years she still carries diapers.

All children are different

- noted the actress and made it clear that he did not see anything wrong with it.

But among the spectators of the show there were those who outraged the Methods of Education of Kristen. Someone considered that such details about children should be put on the public. Others advised Bell to be more attentive to children and more time to give family, and not social networks.

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