Not for the weak spirit: Salma Hayek showed how many times passed the test on COVID-19


The other day, Salma Hayek showed it with which she has to face every time she comes to work in a new place. Celebrities are regularly tested for coronavirus, but many fans do not know how unpleasant procedure.

Salma published a video in which she showed how she was again and again taking a nose stroke. In the video of the actress blossoms and closes his eyes whenever the Tampon is introduced into its nasal cavity.

Salma's subscribers arose in the comments, and some noted that their testing procedure was much worse: "In my nose, they climbed much deeper," "I went three times, I understand perfectly, what is it", "This is a disgusting test, I know. But I am glad that you are healthy. "

Hayek hopes for a vaccine from COVID-19, whose readiness was announced on Monday. It is reported that it is effective by 90% and soon the first batch of 100 million doses will be available for Americans.

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Earlier, Hayek shared with subscribers to the joy of victory in the election of Joe Bayden and Camala Harris. The actress believes that America will now begin to unite. "It is time to free yourself from separation. Four years ago we saw a wall separating America and Mexico. But in fact, the invisible wall rose and between the Americans themselves. There are no more suitable people to destroy this wall and unite America, "Salma wrote in his Instagram.

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