Salma Hayek tried the image of the statue of freedom after the victory of Joe Bayden in the elections


On Sunday, Salma Hayek celebrated the victory of Joe Bayden and Camala Harris in the elections. The actress published on the page in Instagram his photograph of 2000, on which he poses in the form of a statue of freedom, and joyfully stated that "division times" remained behind.

"It is time to free yourself from separation. Four years ago we saw a wall separating America and Mexico. But in fact, the invisible wall rose and between the Americans themselves. There are no more suitable people to destroy this wall and unite America, "Mexican actress wrote in microbloga.

"Amen!", "We are very nervous in Mexico because of his victory, you should not so happy," "Communism will come with Joe," no, honey, this is the beginning of this division, "the actress of fans responded to the joyful publication .

Separately, Hayek congratulated Kamal Harris, which will now take the post of vice-president of the country: "Congratulations, Mrs. Vice-President. America had many fathers, now her mother appeared. Forward, dear, show everyone! "

Публикация от Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek)

Back in 2017, Salma predicted the defeat of Donald Trump. In an interview with Guardian, she said: "His days are considered! Even if he becomes a dictator, will rewrite the Constitution and will be able to take the post of 12 years. All the same, his days are considered! "

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