"Forgot the bear paws to remove?": Sergey Bezrukov fascinated fans with winter games with children.


Recently, Sergey Bezrukov published a fresh video in microblog, which showed how New Year holidays with her family spends. It turns out that the celebrity loves to be with the children and can play with them.

So, in the new video, Sergey showed that he is not only a great actor, but also an excellent dad. He became for his babies a real train. Throughout the entire walk, the star of the series "Yesenin" was carried by children in the snow.

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They, in turn, were sitting on tubing and sledding and supported the star father. Behind them was the spouse of Bezrukov, who just shot this video.

"New Year's trip. The trailer is touching. Farm-dad, "the actor signed the publication.

Fans this video was heard. They noted that Sergey is really a wonderful father. And also noticed that he was rather weirdly dressed.

Bezrukov tried on the warm dock jacket, hat and big woolen boots, which helped to move easily in the snow.

"Forgot the bear paws to remove?", "How you always raise your mood! Fire Fire "," Wow! Pima are so pima, "" Super Unth of the train "," Bear Serieszka and his little cubs on a walk "," And the boots are just a bomb, "which are beautiful bearings," the actors' followers said.

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