The witness of Tarzan's treason complained to the queen: "I was pretty paid"


Last year, the real scandal broke around around the Natasha Queen family and Sergey Glushko. At first, rumors about the treason of a bodybuilder spread, and then an evidence was announced, which allegedly recorded the entire process on the video, and the lover of Tarzan. After a series of loud statements in the press, the artist forgave the spouse, but filed a criminal case about the stealing on 5 million rubles and the spread of materials for adults. Recently, Komsomolskaya Pravda talked with Milan Milomanova, also known as the performer Milanova, who became a witness to Tarzan's treason. She said that she was detained on suspicion of crimes and sent for five days to Isolator on Petrovka, where the worst criminals are sitting.

"I agree that my fault is also there, but I have already paid pretty. My reputation is stained, I do not know how to live next. Natasha Koroleva turned my life into hell. Is it ready to live with this all his life, knowing that he broke the life of an innocent person and sent him to the bastard to the murderers and drug addicts? Place me at least the tenth lie detector, I am ready for everything, "Milanova shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda. The singer claims that after the incident, many relatives and relatives turned away from it, now there is no one to ask for help.

Milan is perplexed because of such an outcome of actions, because for all what happened, according to the queen, she should answer. "Absolutely all hung on me: both theft, and shooting, and the distribution of [adult films]. Articles are serious, the term threatens rather big. I have only one question to Natalia: "Why am I !?". After all, who spread his legs? Schulzhenko! Who took the video on the TV channel? Schulzhenko! Who dreamed of glory and money? Shulzhenko! " She told.

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