Sylvester Stallone and Karl Urban want to return to the role of judge Dredda in the series


Many fans of "Judges Dredda" have long been waiting for news about the last attempt to revive the franchise - the serial "Mega-City 1". Rebellion has announced back in 2017 that it takes for the development of the show, and now the CEO Jason Kingsley told a little about what is happening with the upcoming TV series.

Kingsley said he wanted to see in the series the continuation of the 2012 film, and since the rights to the characters are already in the hands of Rebellion, it will be quite possible, that's just "you need to get rid of the virus." He also added that a huge work was done over the scenarios and in general, everything is ready for shooting.

Sylvester Stallone and Karl Urban want to return to the role of judge Dredda in the series 84680_1

According to Kingsli, the studio has an entertaining idea and about actors - it is assumed that Karl Urban and Sylvester Stallone will appear in the series, who played a legendary character in the "judge Dredde 3D" (2012) and "judge Dredde" (1995), respectively. How can the two generations of two generations be combined in one show, he silent.

It seems that fans are not worried about. Work boils, and as soon as the pandemic will dull, shooting the series starts and justice in mega-city will be restored. Kingsley, of course, hinted on some kind of financing, which appeared due to coronavirus, but for sure this situation will be able to decide. True, even the approximate date of release on the screen has no show yet.

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