"Do not bring to sin": Sergey Shnurov answered rumors about a child from a surrogate mother


The frontman grouping "Leningrad" Sergei Shnurov recently shared with his subscribers with joyful news. In the personal microblogger, the musician published a poem dedicated to his young wife, 29-year-old Olga Abramova, in which he told that they were waiting for a child. Many Celabriti began to congratulate the future Father, however, along with this, rumors appeared on the network that the cord was very angry.

Some time ago, Sergei's colleague, Musician Stas Baretsky, who used to be a member of the Leningrad grouping, spoke that the child would not give birth to a child herself, but a surrogate mother. The man admitted that the young spouse of the star follows his figure and is afraid to recover, so Sergey found a woman for this purpose, who takes out a star pair of a child.

This news instantly reacted the cords himself, asking not to touch this topic. "I as a public person got used to your fantasies, but my wife is by no means. Leave a pregnant woman alone, who herself does not climb the printed pages and will generally avoided every publicity. Do not bring to sin. Write about me, "asked the musician in an open letter to media representatives.

With all its expression, Sergey Cers with trepidation and tenderness refers to his wife. At Olga Abramova, the daughter of the top manager of the Ural mining and metallurgical company, the cords married two years ago. For a girl, this will be the first child, and the cords after the birth of the baby will become a large father. The musician already has two children: the 27-year-old daughter of Seraphim and the 20-year-old son Apollo.

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