Sheilly Woodley told how a little career had lost after the "divergent"


In a new interview with The New York Times, Sheilly Woodley said that after filming in a series of films "Divergent" because of the state of health, she had to skip some loud projects and "let go of your career."

I have not yet talked about it in public, but someday tell. In general, in the first years after its 20th anniversary, I was very sick. While I was filmed in Divergent and worked a lot, I fought with a deep personal and very terrible physical problem,

- told Woodli, which is 28.

Sheilly Woodley told how a little career had lost after the

Because of this, actresses had to abandon participation in many projects, which were eventually successful. These projects, according to her, got her friends, but she was glad for them. Sheilo did not say that it was with her, but noted that he was worried if she could do his work at all.

Will I be able to survive what now worry, will I ever be healthy, and will I have the opportunity to take up again what I wonder? I asked such questions. I was in a situation where I did not have anything, except to surrender and let go of the thoughts about your career. And in my head there were gloomy thoughts, which spinned and spinning for several more years,

- Shared actress.

Sheilly Woodley told how a little career had lost after the

Now everything is behind, thank God. Last years I was engaged in my mental health, and this is a long process. But thanks to this now I am firmly standing on my legs and clearly see my life, my career and relationship. I am glad that went through it,

- told Woodley.

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