Sheilly Woodli in Nylon magazine. April 2015.


About his heroin Tris in "Divergent": "When fear knocks on her door, she does not run away, but boldly meets him. And, it seems to me that this is a wonderful thought that you can convey to young girls. Tris was not born by superheroines, but what I like it, so it is an opportunity to monitor its transformation into a strong young woman. Every time I return to the role of Tris, I feel that I also return to the former Sheil. By what it was in 2012, in 2014 ... If I had not changed, everything would be easier. But the last two years made me much stronger. "

About your development: "Two years ago I was very easy to understand and emotionally tell the story of a 16-year-old girl. But now I feel that I can not tell her as sincere. I just do not associate myself with her. I am no longer on that emotional level. "

About feminism: "The reason why I do not count myself to supporters or oppresses of feminism is that it is still a certain label for me. I do not want to restrict myself unilaterally. Why do we need to consider yourself to some group? We all have to take each other, regardless of the system of beliefs and those labels that have hung over. "

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