"What a great man": Volochkova confessed to Tsiskaridze in love


Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova visited the Academy of Russian Ballet named after Vaganova, where she once studied. The current rector of the educational institution Nikolai Tsiscaridze held a personal tour of her personal excursion. Some moments of the meeting with a long time, the ballerina shared in the stories of his Instagram account. Anastasia made selfie video, hugging Nicholas from his back. She was amazed at how important and necessary innovations appeared at the Academy thanks to Tsiskaridze.

"This great man, my wonderful friend Kolya Tsiskaridze made incredible things for the School. He spent an excursion for me, "Volochkova boasted.

She added that she had seen a lot of good deeds from Nicholas. Since the artists have long and well know each other, Tsiscaridze supported the Volley and in difficult, and in joyful moments of life.

"Kolya, I love you very much, I admire your human support in the most difficult times of my life. Having such a friend as you, - very big happiness, "said ballerina.

She gently kissed a long time on his cheek, which was noticeably embarrassed. Nikolay thanked Anastasia for the kind words that he was touched.

Previously, Volochkova declared that he was injured during operation in the Bolshoi Theater. As a result of attacks, the artist now independently builds his career. Unlike colleagues, Nikolai Tsiskaridze never criticized Anastasia and agreed with her opinion that the wave of discontent Ballerina was organized intentionally by her ill-wishers.

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